我們致力於促進世界安全,持續努力改進和創新解決方案,以最先進的資安技術迎擊工業 4.0 下快速變化的所有挑戰。 歡迎與我們一起探索全球新知,包括白皮書、新聞稿、科技會談等一線消息。
A different bidirectional approach to data diode solutions
Frequently, data diodes have been deployed to create an “air gap” between the Operational Technology (OT) network and the Information Technology (IT) network, protecting critical OT processes from the open risks of IT. Yet, what if your application necessitates two-way communication, the most common network topology? Are data diodes still applicable for securing these systems? YES, through bidirectional data diodes.
In our digitally-driven age, safeguarding sensitive data and systems is of utmost importance. Hardware-based cybersecurity, unlike mere software solutions, has emerged as a pivotal component in this defense mechanism.
But what is meant by “hardware-based cybersecurity”? At its core, it refers to physical devices explicitly crafted to defend computer systems against vulnerabilities and threats. More than just a protective shield, these hardware security tools significantly influence an organization’s overarching cybersecurity approach.
Critical infrastructure refers to essential systems and assets, both physical and virtual, whose incapacitation or destruction would significantly impact society.
This encompasses sectors like energy, water, transportation, healthcare, and financial services. As many of these infrastructures are now digitally controlled, they are vulnerable to cyber threats.
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, one aspect that has gained significant attention is OT cybersecurity.
As our reliance on technology grows, so does the need for robust security measures, especially in the realm of operational technology (OT). But what exactly is OT cybersecurity, and why is it becoming increasingly important?
What is industrial cybersecurity? Simply put, it’s the shield that protects the computer systems and networks that are the lifeblood of vital industries like manufacturing, energy, and transportation. It’s about keeping these sectors safe from the dangerous cyber threats that could cripple their operations.
In terms of cybersecurity, a unidirectional gateway is a network appliance that allows data to flow in one direction only, from a source network to a destination network. This one-way data flow is physically enforced, making it impossible for any data to travel back from the destination network to the source network.
A data diode is a cybersecurity device that ensures secure data transfer. It’s not just another piece of security hardware; it’s a game-changer. Unlike traditional security measures, data diodes offer a unique feature: unidirectional data flow. This means that data can only move in one direction, from the source to the destination, without any possibility of a return journey.
防火牆在兩段網路或系統間擔任阻隔,但允許部分資訊雙向流通。產業應用上,即是在資訊技術 (IT) 與營運技術 (OT) 系統間,根據預設路由規則調控資料轉移與否。
組態設定錯誤是網路資安事件的常見肇因,可能源自操作人員有意或無意更動,也可能是外部網路攻擊的結果。 根據 ISA62443 標準指示,任何可調整設定組態之網路連線元件皆應遵循以下原則: 1. 使用者身分識別與認證:人機使用介面需強制執行身分識別與認證,且每位使用者都必須有各自的帳號與權限。只有最高管理員能變更設定,其他操作人員僅能查看裝置設定。 2. 使用者操作不可否認性:元件需能辨識人為操作,並將操作內容詳情與時間、使用者帳號記錄在人類可讀取的報告中。 3. 組態完整性檢查:元件若支援組態設定檔案,需能檢查檔案完整性,以免毀損的檔案侵害系統。

Robust and secured networking solutions for substations
Electricity serves an important part to the economy and to people’s day-to-day activities. A power grid that fails can cause catastrophic damages.

Secure your OT with Data Diode and IDS
Convenience and productivity have introduced more attack vectors to the OT environment and created more opportunities for malicious activities.

Secure your smart grid PLCs
Protecting PLCs in a smart-grid digitalization system. These days, PLCs are more integrated and interconnected with other complex systems and open source solutions.

Securing sophisticated machines with high data transfer rates and complicated protocols
when machines act as the brains for operation and are connected to a lot of industrial devices, a security breach can put the whole operation at stake.

Streamline NERC CIP compliance with BlackBear Intelligent Gateway
Failure to comply NERC CIP can lead to penalties up to $1 milliion USD per day depending on the violation severity.

Fortifying Offshore Operations: Cybersecurity for Oil and Gas Platforms
Flow computers are critical components in the oil and gas mining platform offshore.
憑藉 30 多年集團經驗,產品符合工業等級 EMC,適用於嚴峻環境下使用。